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More HitH! Go read it, then come back and do some voting.

Note that this is another two-part vote, first what to do about visitors, and second what to do other than that. If options have similar vote totals and gel well, I may combine here and there, like I do sometimes. I do my best to enact a representative democracy in my CYOA smut production. Do note, however, that forces way beyond my control have put their thumbs on the scale, and one option automatically receives 20 votes by default. So if you don't want that to happen, vote. Heck, register your friends!
(jk, that would probably be really weird.)



People, we are doing this. We are confronting Denosha. Screw the Powers-That-Be and their inalterable votes, screw the headwinds that keep us from getting real answers, WE ARE DOING THIS. (Also, Crissy, obviously, what the fuck.)


Gotta go with Avery. His short visit was incredible. Let's see what she has in store for a whole night.


We must test the limits of this mind control fuck experiment. This evening Will Saxon must go to a bar and attempt to pick up a normal woman.


The Creep Chapter 4 this weekend??


Not until later in the week, sadly. I started Critical Tits 5 yesterday, and then Creep 4 is next.