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Howdy hey! Long time no see, folks. I'll start with stuff about this new story, and then a few unrelated things. I had this idea the other day, and it was another one of those ideas like Teaching Her A Lesson where it seemed kinda amusing and the words just started going once I sat down. I really only meant to jot it down in my story ideas file, but then I kept having more thoughts, and... anyway, now we have a chapter. 

I do NOT intend this to grow to the size of THAL or anything, but I don't really have a set idea for scope, so we'll let it flow. I'm envisioning kind of a slow burn, maybe more of a smolder. There's basically nothing even sexy in this opening chapter, either, so if you want to come back to it when there's more of the fun stuff, give it a bit.

Anyway, if you're wondering why I've been so quiet of late, here's a thing: I'm moving! I'm moving from the Midwest to the east coast, giving up my beloved winters for proximity to family and my new nephew. It's meant a lot of work, which has left me precious little time and energy to devote to producing quality smut. 

There's good news there, though! This coming week is my closing here, and we'll move into the new pad near the end of the month. Once I'm moved in, though... I will finally have my own private office! My current setup is a desk right off the house's living room, which means lots of noises, distractions, foot traffic, all of which are anathema to a good erotica production atmosphere. There, my office is on its own floor, only accessible from outside the house, so I'll have all the privacy I could want, and can get back to my good old days when I could just write and write whenever I want. I cannot even tell you how much I am looking forward to it.

So it'll be another couple weeks before I'm full-time, but when I am, look out. We'll be getting right back to it on this, on Critical Tits, on Heavy is the Head, on Character Creation 2, and who knows what else. It's gonna be awesome, gang. It's gonna be awesome.

Until then, stay cool, stay safe, smile if you can. More to come!



ooh baby, gimme more of that hot conjugation flirtation


It's such an Ice Bear thing! I do love that Martin and Stacey had a *multi-paragraph* duel about whether the appropriate conjugation should be Wasn't or Weren't. Both of them are pedantic nerds! I SHIP THEM! Also, just a *great* first chapter. I like how isolated it is, how everything feels like this world only has the two of them in it. Martin's a solid everyman-who-loves-mind-control-porn protagonist, realizing that he's being handed his dream... but it's between the fangs of a viper. And that viper! STACEY REEVES! Very quickly establishing herself in the pantheon of Ice Bear's Hot Mean Girls via casual gunplay and opaque motivations. She's *amazing*. I dug the hell out of this first installment. If this is the kind of work that gets generated amidst cross-country moves and steadily-mounting stress, I can't WAIT to see what we get when there's room to think and work. Hope the move goes well!