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Whew! Finally got the next installment of HitH done. I've been gearing up to move, and it's put a massive strain on time and energy (and, annoyingly, my fingers' typing ability). It'll all be done soon, thank goodness, and we'll be back to normal. Better than normal, in fact, as I'll actually have my own private office to work in! More on all that later.

In the meantime, go read the new post! It's up over at CYOA. There's some weirdness this week, to put it mildly. Then come back and decide where Will's weekend is best spent.



I think there more than normal conversation esp those CAPS moment in between. We can only guess what the Bear have in his mind. I hope Will will try to find more while enjoying his “weekend”


Jenna is waiting so patiently. Vote for Jenna