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So there's a new HitH post up over on CHYOA. Check it out, then come back here so this will make sense.

So! Rather than the usual poll, I wanted to mix it up this time and open it up for people to inspire us with Office Lady Hotness. If you'd like to take part, either by nominating or voting or both, head over to the discord server and go to #hithnominees. The rules are there, but for redundancy's sake:

  • Anyone can make nominations, no patronage required.
  • Still images only. 
  • Office-themed preferred (though partial undress is fine).
  • No reusing any models or subjects already in use in the story.
  • Limit 3 nominations per person. (If you have more office-style hotties to share, feel free to head to #media and do so.)

Disclaimer: I know I said when I instituted the discord server that there was no intention to dole out exclusive benefits to members there, and that remains true. This was simply the easiest way to conduct this kind of thing since patreon doesn't allow images in comments. So rather than me hand-selecting some images and letting you pick from a handful, I thought I'd farm the hive mind and doubtless wind up with something way better.

Looking forward to it!



Fantastic chapter (that made me feel intensely guilty about my previous desire for deviousness) and a very fun twist on voting (which has got me creating and editing Limit 3 lists at such a furious pace I think there's something wrong with my FTL server or whatever). Great work!