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Howdy, everybody! First and foremost, if you're here for quality smut alone, scroll down to the attachments. We got something fun for ya. (UPDATE: Someone requested files for the entire Grand Prize story, so I've gone ahead and included those as well. Had no idea it was this long! Seems I accidentally wrote a short book again.) 

For everybody else... I am back! I took a vacation, driving around this (very large) country with my cousin's kid, who'd never before left his home state. I got to see a sunrise over one ocean, and a sunset over the other. Snow-capped blue mountains and dusty red. The Milky Way in the sky over Death Valley. Befriended a stray cat, got to see my sister for the first time since her pregnancy started, ahead of the birth of my first niece/nephew in a few months. As nice a trip as one can have when the stupid plague won't let you go anywhere with people. (Though a vacation from people isn't all bad either.)

Now that I'm back, I have eased back into the craft. (I managed to forget one of my meds over the trip, so now that I'm back the nausea side effect is back and ever so fun to try to write through. Blergh. But it's already getting better.) First up, I have for your consumption the final installment in The Grand Prize, in which Amanda and Conner at last sit down and talk over all the what-have-yous. I'll recap at the bottom if you've forgotten what was happening. I'll also be getting back to CYOA later today, so look for a fresh post soon (or just follow me there and it'll notify you automatically.) I have a more mainstream prompt for this month's commission that will be my next project since I am a bit behind where I'd like to be, and then on with Losers 3. So excited to be back in the saddle!

Recap: Prior to prom, Conner entered a quote from Amanda in TIOS a snarky way so that her feelings of jealousy became a big turn-on, which he parlayed into a nice post-prom foursome. After the weekend, some girls in sex ed were gossiping over their prom nights, and as a couple girls fawned over Conner, his sister Angelica exclaimed in exasperation that "every girl in that class except for her was totally obsessed with her brother this week!" After a lot of flirting and asking out and outright stalking, Conner mistakenly assumes Jordan is up to something weird; meanwhile, Amanda uses his words out of context to nudge her reticent boy-toy off the fence after he jokes that he's only going to fool around with a few elites. He does. 

And that ought to do it. So get reading! More to come.



Oh, that was great. Neveah was probably the character I wished the most would get some highlights in the main story. But now I want a resolution for Heather,,, Damn monkey paw :p


I do feel for poor Heather, trying her best to roll with a strange situation, but I have faith in our guy to smooth things over.


Thank you, Ice Bear.


I don't... I don't think I've really processed the end of this story yet. It's a different ending for the TIOS story, more than I'd've ever expected from this alternate universe. It takes all of this personal growth, all of this thematic work on how cathartic and necessary it is to be honest about our emotional and physical needs, all of this celebration of Conner Fishers as a truly Beloved Protagonist... and it locks it in time. It looks at it as a valid resolution to the kids of Northside, a happier future with Conner in their lives. It's an ending that says he's a sweet boy, and he's deserving of love. Which, that's what the TIOS series is about! All of that! And this version centers it more on Conner's shoulders, maybe even letting him evolve into his Final Form: a wholesomely-erect guy who fucks people into self-improvement. There're a million things I loved about this final installment (I am kicking myself for not commissioning Just Conner And Amanda Arguing, because that flashback scene was as impossibly perfect as Amanda herself), but the strength to make all of this nonsense work in a way as thematically vital as the TIOS novels it's spun-off from... Thank you, Ice Bear.