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So... here's a heck of a thing. I started this a couple weeks ago, but then I got sick and couldn't find the spark to make it any fun, so I waited and came back to it. It's pretty insanely long (17k+ words), but ya know, fuck it, I think it's super fun. If it takes the focus of the series off of the main cast and foists it onto Kirsten Vaughan, so be it. Something about climbing inside the head of a ruthless manipulative bitch that's just too much fun. Anyway, without further ado, here it is. We probably have one, maybe two more installments in the series, with the "week" in Angelica's "it's like every girl in this class but me is obsessed with Conner this week!" about to run out. I'll try to end with a bang, though this may be hard to top. I dunno. You tell me.

Happy Monday, and more to come!


Adam Safran

Rather like! For some reason think Kirsten has the most unique POV in this series so far. For the 'alpha bitch' she's rather interesting and I think you do a great job with showing her. I think she's the most expressive - if only as we get a look into her world view directly and what she wants and her plans. So that makes it enjoyable to read and gives a different transition from the other characters.


My *emotions!*


Just a beautiful chapter. Wonderful stuff. It's a thing that's maybe Conner's defining trait, his need to take any gift he receives and use it to help others. He's pathologically incapable of doing something solely for his own benefit (he'd probably chew his own arm off rather than type into TIOS Angelica's quote from the beginning of this story), but the second it can be used to help someone else... like, that's where we see him flex his mental muscles in service of erotica. Sex for him is always about making someone else happy *as well*, and his use of TIOS (or TIOS effects) always follows that need. Taking what had been done to Olivia and Kirsten and using it to get INCREDIBLY laid while fixing their relationship? And getting Kirsten to be vulnerable in a way that might possibly/briefly bring her real happiness? There's my sweet boy. There is my marshmallow. There's my Conner.