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Howdy gang! Thanks for being patient with me. Been under the weather the past couple weeks, but finally coming through it and back at the craft. Here we have the seventh installment of the TIOS offshoot, "Grand Prize," in which Amanda uses TIOS to have all the Northside hotties fall madly in love with her fella. (#BitchesBeCrazy) In this chapter, we get to hit some of the highlights, a little quality time with superstars Jordan, Miss C, and Amanda herself. Not a lot of heat in it, but part of what we're after here is getting to touch base with old friends after all. Anyway, chapter 8 is already well underway and will definitely compensate for that, so look to that soon.
In the meantime, I have been keeping up with Heavy Is The Head, our Choose Your Own Adventure story, over at CHYOA. Here's the link again; I've linked the intro rather than the most recent update in case anybody's an installment or two behind and doesn't want spoilers. I'm so far enjoying it immensely, and looking forward to transitioning from the intro phase into a more erotica-centric phase. Check it, yo.
In the meantime, I hope you're doing great, and more to come!



First, feelings for Olivia. Now, feelings for *JORDAN*?! This series is cursed!


Great chapter, for sure. Jordan's a character that deserves none of my sympathy. He's a bully, a liar, a schemer, an abuser. He's a thorn in the side of literally every decent person in the TIOS trilogy, and half of the indecent ones. And yet. By this point in the series, Book 3, Jordan becomes more three-dimensional. He's at risk of losing his little kingdom at the end of the school year, sure, but he's also starting to grapple with his feelings for Hailey. The idea that what started as Secretly Fucking Hayleigh's Body and Stealing From Conner could become something that Jordan treasured, that he actually *cared* for Hailey... it's a big part of why I loved Book 3, and it's great to see that arc revisited. (I mean, I love all of the Jordanverse stories where he's just conquering the cast, but it's nice to remember that he's more than his lusts. Not, uh, *much* more, but still.) And, man, Miss C! With the kind words and smart advice and hot body! So great. There's a sweetness to her interactions with Conner that no one else can match, something even Amanda calls out. A character I wouldn't've expected to see pop up in this densely-packed narrative, which made her appearance all the more welcome. Nice to have at least one adult perspective in a TIOS story! All of that good stuff, plus two different of Conner's girlfriends calling the yearbook office couch *their* couch with Conner? And Hailey randomly predicting the end of TIOS Book 3? Fantastic. Such a triumph, this little return to Northside.


I think this chapter was a good illustration of the differences between Connor and Jordan. The former is just a whiny brat hellbent on trying to undo what he knows he can't undo. The latter is moving and shaking, trying to get things done and accomplish goals. Jordan's got a plan in mind, even if we don't know what it is, and is working towards that plan. Connor, is crying on a girl's lap because the world's just so unfair and he's got the sadz. :( Of the two characters, I can't help but think that the whole TIOS universe is being run by Jordan. Everyone is reacting to him rather than being proactive in their own rights.


Ha - I was on my way to link you to the Jordan alternate-TIOSverse stories when I saw you'd already commented on them. Alas! XD


One way I used to describe the editors was "Jordan is playing to win, Conner is playing to not lose, and Amanda isn't playing."