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Here we go, folks! More THAL, as promised. Also, again courtesy of the one and only Griz, we have a couple more illustrations of our GHS all stars for your additional amusement. 

I plan on taking the next few days to throw together a little Halloween story, just for funsies and to take a little breath before the final installment(s?) of THAL, but then we're gonna finish this sucker out, and let the inevitable flood of fan-fickery commence!

More to come!




Grammar: “That was really considerate, having me her into my bed while she was spending her days trying to fuck me. Figuratively, I mean.” The Post: I didn’t post a review last, because WDB had pretty much said everything, so I decided to be lazy. As for the post itself, Griz once again coming out of nowhere with fan art. The breather is well earned and I expected some variety at one point or another. Regarding fanfic, I very much like the setting, so I might steal some ideas from it, however I feel like there’s too much story for the “what if” scenario I have in my mind. The fanfic would have to be a work of its own and at that point I feel it’s best to make something separate. I’ll still indulge in fanfic theories though, as you don’t have to worry about consistency or fear getting my grammar getting corrected. The Story: Oh I like Abbie’s simple mind. She knows whom she is, that’s for sure. I love how brazen she is about the shady stuff she has done in the past and while all the references seem to go straight over her head I laugh at all the quick one liners that follows. Finally the alarm. I mean, what did Canon expect? I don’t for a second believe Abbie didn’t know about the alarm beforehand and only set it off because of what Canon said. I do feel sorry for her, now knowing how Taylor’s room got so clean. The scene with Isa and Candy I wasn’t really feeling. I was interested in learning more about Taylor’s supply of Serenex and exactly how far they had gone with it. Was it just riot spray or did they want something a bit more potent? Regardless there’s some good jabs at each other, but it quickly devolved into a bit too much bickering. What can I say, Isa’s fire is just embers of what it once was so I don’t get as much a thrill out of it. Regarding the teachers at the end, something is definitely going on. Mrs. Horen feels much too pleasant, Canon is suddenly getting all senior classes next year, he’s getting showered in praise and Randi, the custodian, is completely okay with him bonking the students and staff. All of them makes me feel suspicious, but the last one really spells it out in neon. Oh and Randi’s reveal was just perfect. I always suspected there would be an eventual scene where Canon gets caught, but it turns out that the one catching them was dosed as well. Although Canon didn’t actually get caught in the moment, it was still a thrill to see how he tried to explain away Taylor’s essays. It’s a bit sad that the scene couldn’t get turned into a cliffhanger, since we already know that Randi was batting for Canon. Thoughts and Theories: Canon’s name is likely something generic. I have a super generic first and last name, so I always get called by my middle name instead. Like Randi said, Canon just sounds cooler. For all the talk about reaching the finale this chapter sure had a lot of setup for next year. It’s clear that there’s plenty of people dosed whom just haven’t revealed themselves. Like Abbie said, they will be a surprise, just not a negative one. However, like Isa has proven in the past, just because they might be dosed that doesn’t mean that they can’t be a threat to Canon. Mrs. Horen is likely another good example of that. She clearly seem to think that Canon is guilty, but at the same time feels compelled to praise Canon on his teaching skills. I’ll be interested in learning what goes on there. As for students getting dosed, there might be something going on with the next years seniors. However Abbie really didn’t liked the sound of another girl getting added to the club, but then again it’s Taylor that was in charge after all. Maybe it’s just Mrs. Horen covering herself by ensuring that Canon is only with girls of legal age. Finally Taylor. Whilst last chapter certainly felt like the end of their relationship, this chapter makes me feel like Canon still owes her an apology. Who knows, maybe she gets to repeat the year and we get a class with both Sterns in it.


Abby gets stashed in a broom closet. Isa denies giving her any orders or suggestions. At the very end, the janitor is revealed as being dosed. And just who would you expect to have access to a school's broom closet? Is it possible that our ever-so-considerate Randi might have stumbled upon Abby, recognized the signs of Serenex and decided to give her some new thoughts? Canon never asked about commands given by anybody - just specific individuals. Now that Randi is out of the closet and Horn is acting odd, we definitely need to see something about what the Sterns had been up to when they had the Good Stuff. They burned through almost a whole can, yet we have seen that it takes only the smallest amount to get someone under control. That and their personalities seems to indicate there's much afoot that we're not aware of.