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I was about to say something about how I wrote a nice short chapter for you, but then I realized it was still 7000 words. So... another mid-sized chapter? I don't even know. Apply your own adjectives. 

Loving all the ideas and discussion, btw. As many of you have said, though, Patreon is pretty weak for these communications, so I'll be getting on that discord issue pretty soon and hopefully we'll have a place to share ideas and theories and (if I ever do something wrong, I suppose) criticisms. Since a few folks have brought it up, let me assure you I will NOT be leaving patreon, nor changing my posting habits here. For those of you who just want to download a story and read the thing, it will still be here to let you do just that. (For those of you who don't want to be funky fresh discord dudes/dudesses, you can still comment here!) But it'll be nice to have something more interactive, and that doesn't force an app shutdown half the time I try to load your comments on my phone.

Also also, because it is super fun and I await statistically significant input before I make final decisions (but not really), WDB made a survey to poll who's rooting for which candidate. If nothing else, I am tickled to see a poll completely detached from modern politics. Yay for polls about which woman/girl is the best sex partner! Check it out.

 In the meantime, here's another chapter! More to come.



Here’s something I was thinking about today, as I was thinking about “Teaching Her A Lesson”. (Also, hi, I think about these stories randomly throughout the day.) We were talking about what Taylor and Tabitha symbolize, a few days ago. I said that I thought Tabitha represented Comfort, and Taylor represented Challenge. But, like, I don’t think that’s entirely it? I think they both represent something more specific. I think Tabitha represents Ice Bear’s teaching career, and Taylor represents his writing career. Tabitha is all the reliability of a teaching career. She’s predictable, routine. Her goals are transparent, her metrics for success cleanly delineated. She’s still someone that requires work, but that work is always rewarded in the obvious way. She isn’t a challenge, because she only requires from Canon what he’s already prepared to do. She’s an application of his skills, not a test of his imagination. Taylor is a constant struggle. With Taylor, you can argue and fight and get nothing, while other times she just shows up and gives you what you want with almost no effort. Being with her, you can maybe try juggling a few other girls, but sooner or later you’re going to have to give her all of your focus or quit her entirely. Taylor’s a writing career that offers no guarantees, but could be worth risking everything for. Am I the only one seeing this? Am I reading too much into this story? It wouldn’t be the first time! (I'm going to cross-post this to the Discord, see how the engagement varies.)


Mr. Canon has some excellent lectures prepared on symbolism. ;)