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Here's one of those stories that came down and I never got around to putting back up. It was originally intended as a prequel to Tolerance/The Tolerant, setting up the origins of DJ Swanson's power through the exploration of his father's invention of the eponymous pill. I drifted off into other projects after the first four installments, but anyway, here they are. This is nothing new unless you missed them the first time around, but! My up-coming commission is going to operate in this world, so I figured I'd make this available as a refresher course. Not necessary for it to be enjoyable by any means, but ya know. Here they are. Again.



Hey Ice Bear! Long-time first-time. I love this story - and all your work - but is it just me, or is the final chapter of The Chill Pill truncated accidentally? It's only a page and a half, and it seems to end mid-sentence. My apologies if this is just a literary device I'm not picking up on.


Nope, I am just now realizing that that was the exact moment I got distracted from that story thread. I just didn't look at the file when I downloaded the pdf. Soooo... yep. Egg on my face. No wonder I couldn't find the original posting when I went to update hashtags.


Well, it appears to me that you have no choice but to go back and finish that chapter. It's the only ethical thing to do. :)