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OK, so let me say up front, I definitely cannot sustain this production schedule, but sometimes, I get into something enough that sleep and other so-called essentials simply can't compete. Here we have part 2 of Saturday's new post, Teaching Her A Lesson, picking up where we left off. Without further ado, here's your story, and more to come! Happy Monday, folks.



Oh, man. OH, MAN. Amazing second chapter. Thoroughly, thoroughly into this. There's a very specific anxiousness that the best Ice Bear stories activate, the Edge Of Ruin that the protagonist somehow dances back from, and finds success from the jaws of defeat. It, maybe more than all of the sexy sexiness (which, *wow*), is what I found most entertaining about this chapter. As a whole, though, it's maybe the most archetypal Ice Bear story I can imagine? This kind of Teacher Gets Back At Disobedient Student story, like, that's a pretty stocked wing in the Ice Bear library. Big chunks of TIOS for sure, but also The Position, Tolerance/Tolerant (sort of), Sympathy... there are maybe other ones I'm forgetting? It definitely feels like a topic that is personal to the author. And, like, not a bad thing in any way! I like how motivated an author can get when it's clearly something that they're passionate about. It not only gets us excellent work to enjoy, but the pace is refreshingly rapid! Anyway, loved this chapter, very excited to read more, glad to see Ice Bear making personal work that's still hot as hell.


The thing I like about this story is Canon's propensity to lie to himself and come up with all sorts of reasons and justifications to do what he wants, even when he knows it's not right. That's something that I think really makes him come off as a realistic character. Well-meaning but flawed. Clever but not too quick-thinking in unexpected situations. Nicely done.