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Howdy, everybody. Apologies up front for a post with nothing happy attached. I just wanted to let y'all know I've been struggling with some pretty uncool carpal tunnel syndrome over here which has been slamming the brakes on my writing pretty hard. (Of course, since I can't go anywhere near a hospital or doctor's office, that's self-diagnosed, but I'm pretty sure it's not hand cancer or anything.) Lots of people dealing with lots worse, so could be plenty worse. Anyhoo, I have a new mouse coming in the mail early next week (hopefully, since my rat bastard overlords at Amazon are happy to take my prime $ but don't feel any pressure to refund any of it on account of their inability to honor their delivery commitments despite their elevated profits - but I digress). Anyway, so hopefully that'll help make it so I can sit here and not have my hand throb and get back to it, because I am literally having ideas faster than I can write them down and it is driving me crazy. I'm pretty close to done with a story, finally honoring my promise to get back to Living the Dream, so you could reread the first two installments if you wanna be prepped. I kept hoping I'd get it done before forcing myself on temporary hiatus to R&R my stupid hand and that I could explain my silence with candy attached, but I didn't want to wait any longer. So hopefully by the time my mouse arrives, I'll be in shape to use the damn thing and get you some stuff. After that, I think my next project is to get going on a contribution to a virus-themed anthology for charity. It's got a lot of cool writers working on it, and is being spear-headed by one of my personal favorites, Limerick. Should be cool.

In the meantime, I hope you fine people and your fine families are doing fine. (Why does the first fine sound sarcastic, the second sound pervy, and the third sound insincere? But I meant all of them in the authentic fine way!)



Oh man! Hope you're feeling better soon!


Hey man take it easy. I am still hanging in there and I hope we all get through this with our pants on.