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As you know, I usually don't splurge on customized cover art, to results ranging from "eh, that's not bad" to "wtf were you even thinking letting people see that". But I thought for this, what the hell, I'd splurge and hire a For Real artist to make something cool for me, and so far she is knocking it out of the park! Absolutely loving it.

To refresh everybody, The Gamemaster's Screen is about a group of folks who regularly play D&D-type games with one another in the not-too-distant future. Their GM, who happens to work at a software development company, steals a little invention from his office to allow him to create a fully immersive VR game for his group, and, well, shenanigans ensue. Pictured above we have one of the main characters, Toni, lying on a couch zonked out while her game character Kennedy is taking her first breaths. Hanging there in the background near Toni's wheelchair is an AI created by the game to help guide them through its workings. Behind them is a simulation of the setting's rendition of a futuristic Chicago skyline out the window of their gaming room.

So yeah, that's what we got. You'll see the finished product when the book is out, but I'm excited and wanted to share. More to come!




That looks awesome. Nice find of an artist.


ikr? She's been awesome. I am so pumped to see the final product.