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Wanted more? Here's more! Keeping it short and sweet this time, like Rachel herself.



I liked this chapter! It felt a little transitional to me, but it was overwhelmingly funny and fiendishly clever. I sort-of didn't get what was going on for the bulk of it. It felt, like, *incremental* in a way that I'm not used to with Ice Bear stories. But, like I said, it was really funny, so I didn't mind so much. Rachel is a bottomless well (and topless well!) of ridiculous narration. That's no surprise. But HOLY SHIT does she have a talent for dizzyingly unsexy sexy dialogue. Okay, I guess that's technically Ice Bear's talent, which doesn't get as much play as I'd like. It is *so hard* to write punishingly bad sexy dialogue in a way that's laugh out loud funny. It is *such a small bullseye*. Rachel trying to fake-seduce her best friend to make Joanna jealous is a very late contender for my favorite Ice Bear scene of the year. It doesn't reach the rarified air of "bestie who molests me" (every other comedy erotica writer should pack it the fuck in), but the misunderstanding of what a "butt puppet" is... just, stop. Stop it. I have to breathe here. So, yeah, super funny, but I spent a lot of the story wondering why the plot seemed to be a bit more methodical than I was expecting. Even at the end, I'm like, What even happened? But, as with most Ice Bear stories, I thought it over for a bit. I don't think (despite the humor) it's a perfect chapter on its own, but I *really* like what it accomplished for the overall story. The ending seems to have created a perpetual motion machine that runs on relationship drama, and I'm very excited to see where that takes the main characters. Rachel wants to see Knox happy with Joanna, but she's realizing that Joanna getting together with Knox means less time for her and Knox, which will make her unhappy, which will make Joanna unhappy, which will make Joanna spend less time with Knox and more time with Rachel, which will make Knox unhappy, which will make Rachel unhappy, which will make Joanna unhappy, ad infinitum. Much like a massage chain, this combination of folks seems primed to explode. In the same way the massage chain was a perfect metaphor to foreshadow how tangled shit was going to get, I'm also really into how this sequel series is mining a lot of the same character arcs of the first one, just mapped to different people. Rachel gets what she wanted, her best friends hitting it off, but it's happening in a way that makes her hate even having tried. It's Knox's frustration from the first story, but now it's the result of a well-meaning friend instead of the machinations of a complete piece of shit. It's a clever shift of consequences, taking a comedy of errors and amplifying it with some legitimate emotional stakes. That's pretty much the definition, to me, of a worthwhile sequel. A very fun chapter, even if it's in an "I told you that story so I could tell you this story" kind of way.


I remember finishing the previous chapter and thinking, "There's two ways I can guess this story might go from here, one awesome and one kinda ok." It went the awesome route. I pretty much liked everything about this chapter. Every character is growing more complex and the relationship dynamics between them grow more interesting by the minute. Joanna's character, in particular, really evolved from her portrayal in the previous chapters. Finally, when Knox and Joanna were talking about Rachel's unsexy-sex-talk, it called up images from one of my favorite Friends episodes (The One With The Race Car Bed). The scene of Ross and Rachel's dad bonding by making fun of Rachel's chiropractor was hilarious then, and this scene was just as amusing.


I can't believe how worried I am about a mind-controlled woman losing the toxic "friendship" she has with a sexually-depraved asshole! Are you also more invested in this story's stakes than you thought you'd be?


You could say that. This is my favorite series, I expected to be 100% invested and I am at 120% now. I tried to not hype myself too much in case Ice drops the ball but now I am fully on board.


It looks like I have a lot of catch-up reading to do. Its been a busy few months. So excited to read the new works!