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Man. Between Jordan, Conner and Amanda, I can't believe not a single one of those thought to use TIOS to grant a dog full student status with a gimmick like this.


Miss C stohttp://justsomething.co/school-includes-teens-service-dog-in-its-yearbook-and-its-just-adorable/rmed to the back of the room to confront the disruption. "That's it, Boomer. How many times have I told you that my classroom is not the time or place to lick your balls?"

Boomer looked up, snuffling indignantly. "You know I have a perfect sense of smell, right? So maybe get out of my face with the outrage over balls being licked up in here."

Amanda, Heather and their teacher paled in unison. "That's a bad dog!" scolded the senior editor-in-chief, folding his arms across his chest.

"Well if you want to send one of your bitches my way, feel free, Alpha. Otherwise, I got homework to put off."


School Includes Teen's Service Dog In Its Yearbook And It's Just Adorable

In Falmouth, Virginia, Stafford High School's yearbook became a viral sensation. Andrew "AJ" Schalk, one of the high school's juniors, suffers from Type 1 diabetes. He's accompanied by his service dog, Alpha Schalk, wherever he goes and that includes school. Alpha's job is to detect when AJ's blood sugar is getting too low or too [...]



Book 1: This Is Our Spaniel Book 2: We, The Nighthounds Book 3: Our Terrier Was Now ...I will see myself out.


You can just upgrade your dog to a human. Reminds me of an old manga, Inumimi.


Oh man, that would've been pretty damn good! Maybe as an alternate side story... although, uh, I'm not sure that you do stories with 'those' kind of themes...


I laughed harder than i shouldve with this short 😂


I'm surprised Jordan never made one of the girls the "school/teacher pet". That is something I would truly love to see.


Y'know, on the topic of Life Imitating TIOS, there was this story from a few weeks ago that had me thinking Heather Blake took up streaming as a new front in The Pride's war against the patriarchy: "Twitch Streamers Plan ‘SlutStream’ To Raise Awareness Of Online Harassment" (https://kotaku.com/twitch-streamers-plan-slutstream-day-to-raise-awarene-1836794287)