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Howdy folks! Thanks for your patience while I've been living and thriving and struggling and all that with life the past few weeks. I had my yearly "week o' D&D" get-together with some friends, and have also done a bit of soul-searching and adjusting.

First off, and most fun, here's a really stupid little story I threw together over the past couple days. I swear, I very rarely indulge in any impulse to use real people in my work, but this time, I couldn't help but break down. It started when in an unrelated search, this image of Jaimie Alexander confronted and arrested my attention, and then... I just let myself get carried away with a pretty flimsy pretext for amusement. Really, I don't avoid celeb fan fic type stuff because I worry Ms. Alexander reads my work, but because once you involve real people, my brain wants to torture itself over a hundred different realistic problems that would come with it. This time, however, I shrugged and said fuck it and churned out some words that hopefully will amuse y'all.

On that note of whimsical amusement-seeking... I am going to take a break from doing paid commission work for a while. I realize some of you were waiting on me, and I know some of you are going to be disappointed, but here's the reality of it. These projects, for a lot of reasons, wreak havoc on my productivity. It isn't that I don't enjoy the ideas or the collaboration, but I simply produce new content immensely faster when I am serving as my own muse. I used to reliably churn out a story or two a week, 15k words or more, and these days, as I know some of you have noticed, it's a lot less. So while I know it's going to bum some of you out, I hope the major surge in my own stories and books coming out is going to help soothe things.

I should stress that I will continue doing the free monthly commission drawing. Also, I will be releasing several monthly short stories that will remain patreon-exclusive or first-view, because you guys are amazingly supportive and I want to make sure you know I value you all so much. 

I didn't reach this decision lightly (and have felt really guilty setting boundaries to the point that I kind of collapsed in on myself for a while), but I'll say this -- since I made this decision, I wrote more in the past week days than I did in the past month. I think this is going to be a net positive. For those of you who are disappointed, my apologies, and to those who are excited I'll be back to focusing on my own stuff, my apologies for delaying this for so long.

More to come!



Worth the wait!

Mike Williams

If no commissions means more stories overall then I am in favor.


This is awesome!


Makes sense to me. If your time is too divided the work doesn’t get done as smoothly. Loved the story too.