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Back into it with the sequel to Amazon's best-selling magical yearbook erotica, This Is Our Story! (At least, I *think* this is true.) 

I freaking LOVE writing in this universe, folks. These characters speak to me, and often to say things that amuse and delight. (Sorry, Harmony, but you could be kind of a buzzkill.) I'm sharing the first two chapters openly; the rest I'll be sharing with the usual $50 crowd as they come, the copy of the finished book with the $20 folks, and a link to Amazon for the rest. :) Like I said before, I'll be a bit less dogged working on this one, so nobody worry you'll be left out. You can all expect to see periodic commissions and random Thingies I Felt Like Writing as I go (hoping to finish If You Want this weekend), but I also have a lot of energy for this project, so I'm hoping to churn the words out quickly. 

The working title is We, The Nighthawks. This work will remain focused on Conner's perspective, but will occasionally branch out into other characters as the situation demands. (For instance, chapter 1 has a brief bit from Conner's mother's perspective.) As such I wanted the title to reflect, per the theme of the series, that the book will tell the story not only of the protagonist, but of his whole messy crazy little world. Already in the first two chapters, we get to touch base once more with Conner, Owen, Angelica, Shannon (Conner's mom), his stepdad, Heather, "Hefty" Hailey, Jordan, and of course, Miss Kristiana "Kristy" Coszic-Lewandoski. (But you can call her Miss C.) We get a glimpse of one of the new characters inbound, and there will be, as always, more to come. Cheers, comments, concerns, all welcome. Huzzah, and here we go!



YES. THANK YOU. Super excited to be back in this world, super anxious to see where Jordan's machinations lead. (Also, some quick editing notes. In Chapter 1, the fourth paragraph, it should probably be 'the latter', not 'the former', since Conner *was* just letting her down easy. In Chapter 2, page 3, 'First off, while he’d decided to take Owen’s advice and give Conner a little space, it was in fact Heather who approached him,' it's Conner thinking this, so that 'Conner' should maybe be Heather?)


Ooh, love the sequel so far - very much looking forward to buying the whole book!


God fucking damn, I want more! I love this story. My only criticism: Did Heather actually break it off with him, or are they taking it slow? I'm sort of confused as to how that resolved itself. I really like the decision to avoid showing the dates and instead having Connor say how they went, but I feel as though when you jumped to the start of the second term, you jumped to a point where all the characters knew how Heather and Connor currently stood, but the readers don't have the full picture.


Thanks for the notes! I've streamlined my editing a bit by simply waiting until the end of the entire book to bother, so I don't do it once in the chapter, than have to do it again for overall cohesion at the end. I know I miss some things here and there, so it's always nice to get a pointer to help make sure I don't foul things up. :D


She actually broke it off with him. You're exactly right that I wanted to not go play by play through their dates ('cause, aside from her being too trusting, they're pretty vanilla dates). When he tells his mom she broke up with him, though, it's totally literal. She was nice about it ("I see you more as a friend" "I'm just not in a place for being in a relationship right now...") and so on), but she's definitely broken up with him. For the time being. Shenanigans may ensue!


Awesome, thanks for the clarification! Don't know why I didn't take it literally on the first read through. Anyway, can't wait for the next batch!