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So I've had this idea festering in the back of my head for a while, and I finally got the words down on paper. I tend to gravitate more towards fantasy than sci-fi, but not always. This is one of the not-always's.
The Cynthia Pryce Hack is my first "brainchild" story (others to come in the months ahead). It's set in the not-so-very-distant future, wherein a piece of technology called the interbellum, or IB, has become widespread to those with the means. It's essentially like hooking up your smartphone directly to your brain, and controlling it by thought alone.
Our protagonist, the brainchild, makes a living testing out the protections on IB software. That is, making sure that the IB only lets in data that the user wants to let in. His job is to find creative work-arounds to beat the device's defenses. It's the same basic premise as those movies where they hire thieves to test bank security. (This job comes with some extra perks, though.)
I've just published to my Amazon page, though it probably won't show up until Saturday or Sunday. $20+ pledges can download their copy from the subsequent post. I just wanted to provide advance notice, since it's my birthday this weekend and I'll probably be busy elsewhere.
Have a great weekend, everybody!



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