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Hello, as every month I work on a special artwork, known as Month Pic, fully colored and detailed.

On the previous months I usually use my own ideas for it, from now on I want you to give me your ideas and vote for them!

I'll feature some ideas for you to vote, you can also comment for a new idea for the next moth pic (character name/from) so I can choose between them and make a new poll.


  • 02 ideas per patron.
  • The poll ends at 15th of the month.
  • The Month Pic will be featured on the second half of the month.

Let's begin! 



Would be delightful to see Felicia, but prolly not... Have no idea of who the seeming winner is this month, will have to learn something about her!


I almost forgot but, for next month, I was thinking of Nina Williams and Powergirl.