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Hey all!

I'm recovering from oral surgery right now (wisdom teeth removal), so I'll keep this post a bit short. Here's what I've been working on the past few days:

Wrinkle Maps

I've added support for source engine wrinkle maps: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Wrinkle_maps 

So far they only work for real-time rendering, not when rendering with Cycles, but I'll try to get around to that soon! I've also fixed some transparency issues which caused some source engine meshes (such as teeth) to appear black.

Transform controls

I've added some simple transform controls for changing translations/rotations of actors/bones in the 3D viewport. They're not integrated into the Filmmaker yet and there's nothing for scale yet, but they're fully functional.


I've started working on some more GUI elements, like the element viewer and the  sequence filmstrip. Not much to show there yet, but if all goes well I should be able to get the base interface done by next Friday!

That's all for now! I'll try to match the SFM interface as closely as possible for now, improvements and changes will be added later on!

Have a nice weekend! :)



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