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Recently I tried to dmca account that is selling my stolen work on Redbubble to no avail as you might expected, it's juts sickening that fairly known print shop is basically supporting art theft.

There is literary nothing I can do about ;/

( more art soon xD )

for the people that asked, here is a shop of this douchebag  https://www.redbubble.com/people/NarimanArt/shop

unfortunately redbubble make it as hard as possible for artists to report it, if you want to do it you need to click on a product and scroll down to the point when you see: "Report Content/Copyright infringement" 




Sorry to hear that this is happening to you. I hate that DMCA notices seem more effective if you're a giant corporation instead or an individual creator.


That's a shame, dude.

Gently We Meep

Nuts. May their penises wither.

Caesar Zealad

Bitches want to be what they aren't


Post them, let's mass report them.


consider having the grunts like me report it as well. link it


Damn, not only your stuff, but I recognize the art of other people I follow too! I'm also reporting this BS! Edit : there people, send emails to propriete-intellectuelle@redbubble.com FLOOD THEM! Give them links to the stolen art and originals! Make them see!


nice I will use this email, and yeah there is a ton of stolen art there from a ton of artists


They replied by sending me a link to this : https://redbubble.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201579195-Redbubble-IP-Publicity-Rights-Policy#report It features an email : dmca@redbubble.com


yep im on me second attempt to dmca them, the worst this about this site is that you can't dmca the guy that is selling stolen art, you have to dmca one by one the art itself, they are doing it debility to make it harder for artists.


deviantArt is also becoming a shit festival of stolen art. while they aren't usually selling it, there are plenty of knuckle draggers slapping on copyrights on stolen art everywhere; the platform is in shambles


And lots of those who steal on DA do it under the pretence "oh I didn't know what DA was for, I was just re-uploading stolen art as mine so I could access it easily..." (I'm paraphrasing). Like they don't know about right-click and save as. ^^ They're fine when people say "woah, your art is awesome!", though...


I'm guessing they don't care because they make some % of money from the stolen art too.


yep I even stopped dealing with people that occasionally reupload my work over there, it's a waist of my time, and DA do nothing to deal with it