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The above image is a preview. The link to download the full sized images is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rBrhGEo_5cWmbHxdIGMERXcHx9wEWdKq?usp=sharing

This is a mini sequence which features primarily a phantom mare tf and a stage of a horse tf.


Two individuals stumbled upon a pagan sex amulet dedicated to the horse. The cursed object seeks to transform users into a stallion or mare, but the issue is that it uses magic which requires energy...so, to fuel the magic and transformation draws upon sex. The goal of it is to transform a human into a stud or a brood mare, but it needs life force, a lot of it, to do this. For this reason, it also tfs any other nearby individual into something related to horse breeding etc., it might turn them into genitalia for instance, or in this case, a phantom mare/dummy. The energy of pairing the two transformations feed off of each other, and after the horse is done forming and walked off to start their life, we see the amulet basically "drawing in the breeding dummy's life essence" to replenish its energy for the next individuals to discover it while its face creaks and expands into padded leather, making them not just a phantom in body, but causing their very spiritual essence to be absorbed into the amulet as they truly become the phantom in every way, forever.

There'd be no way to return the phantom to human ever (nor the horse for that matter). There never is nor was two human. Just a stud stallion and a breeding dummy in the stall that everyone remembers having purchased for the farm. It didn't just turn their body and mind into a mindless phantom, but it converted their entire existence as if they were never born as a human. In the very last seconds of conscious thought, not even conscious really, there is this endless loop of images of itself which are just a phantom being used, time collapsing in as every moment of ever being used as farm equipment is compressed into the same moment, in which the subjective experience "inside" collapses into being the "outside" object and the two become indistinguishable.



Taya Erindra

Never did i think I see another Phantom Mare TF. but you did. and I love this... god


Can't believe how impressively well done this is. The phantom mare tf is just amazing the little details in it show an amazing level of thought put into it. Especially love seeing inside the throat in the mostly tf picture. just very much a home run in all ways.