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On a recommendation from his boss, he went on an extended fishing trip. Little did he know that the stream he was fishing was a sacred site of the forest spirit who guards the land. His stay was about to become a lot more permanent as a harris hawk.

This project was a commission for Jrain9110  that was also funded by y'all's support. I am enjoying doing these extended length audio tfs because one can develop the story and transformation itself quite a bit more. The excellent voice acting was done by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. This is also part of a collab with my friend UrbanGargoyle who is currently creating a tf scene based on the audio play.

Download the HD Uncompressed Wav: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nZoiyB0IV-NIyfj8OppV-sUwL3JHgxgO/view?usp=sharing




The transformation performance by the actor on this is extraordinary. The way it peaks and builds, and moments where he can hardly get a sob out. The panic, the wretching... it's really something.


I wondered if you've considered making an audio TF with two characters? The tf-ee and someone (a witch?) transforming them? That way it would take the onus off the tf-ee to necessarily describe what's happening to them so we - the audience - can get the mental imagery. The witch could describe it... 'You're getting feathers now!' This isn't a critcism - I adore your work - just a suggestion which might free you up narratively a bit.


Ohh I have been wanting to do this but it is difficult to find two voice actors and coordinate the two. Female voice actors even rarer sigh. But I'm still hoping to do a scenario like that. I'm considering having it done by a spirit with an otherworldy voice and I could modify my voice or the VA's to be another character.

Philly Husky

Id be totally willing to help out with the voice acting. Been in theatre companies for some time so im not shy of it and i love to get deep into the imagination of it >< ofc if my voice matched your imagination but id love to help


This is utterly amazing! Such a cool audio drama! Is there a script for this like the cow and the dragon one?