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Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for all of the support for me in the last year. Now we're in 2022🎉 l hope that this will be a great one.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of me be an Daz artist. 10 YEARS.....That's a long time. I came a long way and I never thought I would still be doing this. This year I plan to do a lot of big things, like animation. This is somthing I always wanted to get into but just never got around to it. This year I plan to devote a lot a time into learning Blender because I believe this would be a good place to start when it comes to animation. I also plan to try to covert all Character to Gen8. It will be a difficult task but I think I can do it.

Now I know I'm a bit behind on the comic for Mary Love, just been so busy with work and commission. I wanted to finish at least one comic last year but that didn't happen. After I'm done with commission that that will be my 1st priority.

Also this year will finally have some lore for my characters. I will start out with Lola and the main ones and then work from there. I know some have been asking for lore for my characters now you will have more of a reason to love my characters.

This is a preview for the upcoming New years pic I worked on last night. I will have two version, this and the babes dresses in gold to mark the 10th anniversary of me doing Daz 3D.

Again thank you guys for all your support, I hope to do a lot more in 2022! 🎉




God bless you, Tito. Hope 2022 delivers 'cause you will for sure.


Happy New Year!!!