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 Our Favorite babe has a birthday coming up. He birthday will be Next Sunday on October 3. This is what her Birthday Dress would look like this year, she is looking so good in it. This is a scene I put together on my last steam. I'm having trouble getting the lighting right so Hopefully I can fix it. Would hate to put in all that work just to scrap it.

 I plan on having some babes in the scene but not whole lot, I do not want to over do it. Also it will be Lola month as well So I will try to take more Lola request if I can. I will for sure finish ones I didn't do last year or haven't finish yet 

Also I made a new ST Babe logo which I like a lot




Big coom right before I go back to college. Can't wait!

Sir Hugsalot

Oh, I'll try not to forget!