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Well guys its finally Done!

     This....by far the biggest scene I've ever done! With a total of 54 Characters, 20 of them are my OC's and 34 Guest Characters. I'm not sure if I'll do this many again lol because this took quite some time to render all of these images. I had to buy more ram just to render some of them, I now have 32 gig's of ram which is good for me in a way. I just wish I stared on this project in mid February just so it would be ready for the week of Spring Break.... oh well lol better late then never right. These could have looked better if I had more time to render them, each image was taking about 15 hours plus to render and some I had to re-render because of some texture not coming out right.

     Anyways I had fun streaming this during Spring break. For those of you that watch the streams, thanks for stopping by and hanging out with me. I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I had making it.

 I want to do more of this scene, maybe summer time........... 

Here are all the characters in set 1

*Lola *Nissa *Olivia *Cherry *Akane

*Gala *Tia *Kei *Ruby *Maya


* Faith *Hope *Charity

*Clara *Midori

*Feceina *Nilla

*Chelsea *Alieca-Lionheart *Dolly

here's the link to the zip file

Set 1





Holy crap ude! This is just perfect! Paradise for sure! I also can't thank you enough for including Feceina~