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Hey guys here are some things I'm working on. The First comic I will be doing is a remake of a comic I didn't finish called "How ST met Gala" and this is how Gala outfit will look like. Its based off this pic Carmessi did some time ago and I just love how sexy she looks in it

with that being said.....Lola Birthday is October 3 next month. So I will be doing 1 or 2 pages peer week for the whole month for Lola month. I'm not sure if I will do big party scene this year for her if any it would be something small or just her in her new dress. I think this comic idea would be better idea for her birthday anyways. So look forward to that

Also This is how the Bar will look like

the scene is big so you will see cameos of other characters but not a huge amount lol no more then 25 characters. I'm kinda burnt out on big scenes lol




I'm partial to a big party scene