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Happy Birthday Linia n @rivaliant

I know I’m late but I really wanted to do this for him. I want to showcase the 3 other Daz artist that I have admire into this image with their OC. @bangbangrush Raven (which I love her Big Phat ass lol) @theevolluisionist Lir(she is so sexy) and of couse @rivaliant characters Linia and Silk and now I’ve have made my version o his Inu, which I think she came out well. Since I’m using BangBang Shortstack Pirates logo, I notice that @theterriblecon  was on there. So I decided to make my Version of his Connie. I always wanted to do her and I’m glad I finally did her.

I wanted to do something cute for the girls. Linia is opening her present from Connie while Inu blowing out the candles on Linia Cake, Silk is like “Hey that’s not for you” lol.  
Thank you dude for all the help you gave me over the years and support. I really appreciate you as a friend and Please….do More of SILK LINIA and Inu lol

Happy Birthday Rivaliant



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