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This was suppose to be like a father's day pic of ST and Nina Dad, but didn't get it done on time. As you guys know Angela is ST and Nina's mother and after that mother day pic I did this year I wanted to do more of her. So I thick would I would do is make this an ongoing series with her and her husband Adam...oh yeah his name is Adam. Of course this is a w.i.p. so when ever I can get pack to it will provide the first page.




Whi is this girl? Nice.


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/JHuhJfHRH9TuzXEnXMKpx8PwS2ni9rPix5zKnPuFBKLn4reVxTPQQPntAmXVIiVW.jpg?token-time=1631664000&token-hash=GWL8M8zIAHufKXWUbnPiUHkZgFFc-YX91w_d4dGDCG0%3D"><br>This is ST and Nina mother


Damn man she is hot