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Hey guys, I know it’s been awhile since I uploaded but I’m still working on the Spring Break pics.....they are still rendering.

I total forgot to share this with you guys. Meet ST hot sister “Nina”. I made her the same time I made the Gala 2.0. On Discord I ask peoeple on my server of which one looked better light skin or dark. I also was not sure what her hair color should be. So her skin is not that dark but not that light either, just somewhere in between. i  the purple hair with the red highlight. I think she turn out great and will use her a lot when I can. Let me know what you guys think of her.

Also if you guys have a discord, feel free to add me and I’ll invite you to the server


Though I think I set it up to where if you are Pledge to me you automatically join but I think you have to link Discord to your Patreon. Either way if not just add me and I’ll add you the server.




I like her skin tone in the red shirt the most