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The door to the 'special security area' of Vermilion's private prison opened and a warden in a black uniform entered. She appeared to be of such a rank that didn't even require security clearance. She walked in with determined steps, stopped in front of a cell and opened the door.

"Inmate number N-15, stand up," she said to the red-haired inmate in an commanding tone.

“I have nothing to do with you..!” The prisoner said, glaring at the Warden. It seemed like she had already had this conversation before.

“Oh, of course you do,” said the Warden, looking down at the prisoner. Her sunglasses made it impossible for the inmate to read her expression, but there was a hint of mockery in her voice.

The Warden entered her cell and she grabbed the inmate's chin and lifted it.

“This is an order. N-15, if you do not follow it, you will suffer the same consequences as last time.” Warden said.

“Shut up..! No one can talk to me like that..!” The inmate got up and pushed Warden.

“Oh, someone can.”


As the inmate was about to throw a punch, Warden reached into her pocket, pulled out her stun gun and jammed it into her inmate, brutally electrocuting the other beautiful woman.

And the Warden quickly subdued her screaming inmate, shoving her against her wall and twisting her arms before handcuffing her.

“Calm down and know your place, prisoner,” the Warden whispered into her ear, lifting the prisoner's undershirt. Once her prisoner's breasts were exposed, her Warden's hands began kneading them.

“I’ll kill you...!” The inmate snarled.

“No matter what you say, you are my prisoner…” the Warden said, pulling down the prisoner’s pants.

“…one who obeys my authority and follows my commands…” She grabbed the prisoner’s shecock firmly and playfully stroked it, causing the prisoner to have an erection. The prisoner let out a moan, a mixture of her shame and anger.

“Fuck that bullshit…what do you really want?” said the prisoner defiantly.

“You have no right to ask questions,” the Warden said, taking her hand away from the prisoner.

“You follow what I tell you from now on…”

