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A sort of one-handed boxing match took place while both fighters held and jerked off their hard-ons with one hand to maintain an erection after ejaculation, while using the other to pummel their opponent.

Maya, who was quicker and more athletic, took the upper hand in several exchanges of punches. A series of jabs struck Karen in the face, and just as Karen tried to defend her face, a sharp body blow landed her in the side.

"Guard this!"




The moment Karen lowered her guard to protect her now aching abdomen, Maya's powerful hook struck her head from below. Blood gushed from Karen's nose.

Maya continued to pummel away to keep up the momentum, but the bigger Karen was not easily knocked down.

"Enough…bitch..!" Karen snarled.


Karen slipped into the pocket and clinched with Maya so tightly that the two erect penises practically slammed into each other again.


"Take this!"

And that was what Karen wanted; being able to maintain her erection through rubbing against her opponent’s erect shaft, while engaging in another bout of close-quarters, dirty boxing.

Karen's fist hit Maya in the face in vicious retribution.



Maya accepted the challenge. As they held each other, vicious, close-range punches struck each other repeatedly in the face.



The savage fist fight turned into a battle of attrition as they targeted each other's stomachs. Heavy, gut-busting belly punches from a practically unavoidable distance tenderised each other's abdomens.

The two futanari fighters couldn't defend against it beyond tightening their abs as much as possible. Repeated noises like a leather punching bag being mauled continued to reverberate through the basement...



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