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A lone woman entered the basement of the warehouse, the iron door creaking open ever so carefully.

Maya took a deep breath, before stepping into the arena, shivering ever so slightly in anxiety.

She was completely naked, save for a pair of green high heels and boxing gloves of the same color, and she could only stand covering her naked pussy with a shameful expression.

“Come on! Hurry up! Don’t make the audience wait!” A loud voice echoed through the room.

She was hurried by a referee in a bunny outfit, who stood next to a brown-haired, green-eyed mature beauty, posing with a relatively relaxed expression, waiting for her opponent.

As Maya stepped into the ring, the referee began her introduction with a grin.

“Hello, specifically selected audience members~ Today’s match is a high heel boxing match!” She practically purred. “In the Red Corner, with a 1-0 record, “Widow!” And in the Blue Corner, a newcomer with no record yet, “Maiden!”

Both women faced each other with deep breaths.

“Let me explain the rules…” The referee licked her lips slyly. “Two fights must fight only in high heels and boxing gloves on. Kicks, elbows, knee strikes, biting and head-butting are prohibited. The downed fighter gets 5 minutes of “penalty time”, and the winner is decided when the other side can no longer keep her cock erect.”

Maya winced.

“Now put your mouthguards in, touch gloves, and get ready!”

They bite into their mouthguards, the tension ratcheting up.

“I’m ready.” Karen says coldly.

“Are you ready? You’ll have to have some impressive performance for your debut.” The referee turns to Maya.

“I’m ready.” Maya responds, tapping Karen’s gloves. The brunette beauty stared her opponent down, feeling she was less fit, yet bigger and heavier than herself.

“Okay, let the match begin…FIGHT!!!!” The referee yelled.

Both fighters drop into their fighting stance, staring at each other, moving slowly as the heels made the motion of bouncing with boxing steps nearly impossible.

Maya circled her opponent in an orthodox stance, with Karen opposing her with a southpaw stance.

The first flurry of blows were exchanged amid the sounds of light, leather tagging.



Karen threw her right arm into her opponent, but Maya was much faster with her left, making full use of her athletic ability, honed over a long period of time, giving her a reactionary edge that was faster than Karen.

Several light jabs struck Karen’s face, obscuring her view.


“Ahhh! Uhn! Ahh!”

Karen tries to urgently guard, but she still couldn’t stop the one-two combinations smacking into her face.

Maya keeps the flurry up, landing more and more punches on Karen, becoming increasingly dominant in the match.

“You’re too slo…ah?!”

But she overlooked that fact that she was wearing high heels, and with a mighty haymaker, she steps forward and missed, losing her balance on the pointed tips and causing her to stumble.

Her arm barely manages to stop her from falling to the ground by leaning on Karen’s big tits, but she felt something on her groin.

She gasped sharply as two erected shecocks smack their throbbing tips together.

The Maiden blushes something fierce, feeling the intense stimulation, and her hesitation gives her opponent an opening.



Karen launches a vengeful left uppercut, smashing into Maya’s chin.

“You bitch!”

Karen rushes forward, landing some vicious and impressive hits on Maya’s face.

Maya felt the formidable power of her opponent, stunned and dazed from another head-rocking blow to the jaw.

But she forced herself to throw a counterpunch amid stepping back, thankful this time she didn’t lose her balance.



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