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Amber refused to allow her opponent to control the situation. Grabbing Adriana's wrist, she turned her body and attempted to flip her opponent over.

The two fighters, now entangled, battle for top position.



After several minutes of ferocious wrestling, Amber came out on top, leaving Adriana trying to squirm free.

"Ha!" Amber cried out in glee. "No use doing that!"

Amber pressed her lower body against Adriana's, and Amber's white shecock pressed against Adriana's tanned one.  

"What the..!" Adriana moaned, bewildered by the pleasure she felt in her cock. 

"Yeah... it feels good, huh?" Amber purred, moving her hips. Her erect penis rubbed over Adriana's as it moved back and forth.  

"You want it this way..? Then let's do it..!!!" said Adriana.  

Their penises pressed firmly and rubbed against each other with loud, wet noises, and moans filled the room. 

But soon it became clear which one had an advantage.  

"Uugggh...! Fuck..!!!" 

"Yeah... that's it! Your pitiful dick is no match for mine!"  

While Amber rubbed her own cock confidently, Adriana had to endure it by staying immobilized in the bottom position. 

Adriana realized that she wouldn't last long in her position.  



Adriana's mouth sucked hard on Amber's breasts, which were right in her face.

 Amber made the mistake of hastily pushing Adriana away from the sudden turn of events, and her opponent seized the opportunity and quickly flipped her over, grabbing Amber's shecock and jerking it.  

"Ahh...! Let go, let go..!!" 

"Come on, enjoy this, don't hold back! You're done anyway..!"  

Adriana strengthened her position by hooking her legs to Amber's.  

"I won't let you do what you want..!" Amber grabbed Adriana's hand with both her own and stopped her from jerking off her cock.  

"Let go..!" Adriana said angrily. 

The deadlock lasted for a short time.   

"Stop!!" At that moment, the Referee shouted.  

"Huh..?" Amber looked at Referee with a puzzled expression.  

"According to the rules, I will have to penalize you for being passive in the match!" The referee, Kate, said with a raised index finger.  

"Wh..What..?!" Amber stuttered.  

"Par terre!" Kate's decision was made.



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