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Welcome to our new story, dear friends! Today, we begin our revamped Delhaq universe in a much more modern setting.

Future "storyline images" will be for Nobility Tier members, but the main fighting will be available for Audience Tier members.

20xx/5/30…Vermilion Headquarters….

"Ma’am, the visitor is here."

"Let her in, please"

The aged, wooden door opens, revealing a spacious and luxurious office.

"Nice to meet you…you must be Maya Taylor."

The voice, who appeared to be a woman with silver hair and sharp eyes, sat in her chair and wore a cold smile.

"Yes, that’s me." said Maya in an old-fashioned turtleneck dress. Her face was a gorgeous mix of Asian and Caucasian (as people used to call it) elements. She seemed somewhat withdrawn from this space and the sharp first impressions of the other woman.

"Thank you for accepting the invitation. My name is Violet Ross, the manager of the Delta Sector branch of Vermilion. Please have a seat.”

As Maya sat in front of her, Violet looked at her and continued without missing a beat.

"Do you know who we are and why we invited you? I'm sure you've met our recruiters."

When Violet asked in a friendly tone with a smile, Maya answered with a slightly brighter expression on her face.

"Yes. Vermilion is a world-famous company so it's hard to not know them. They do everything. Tech, defense, food, energy... and they only hire the best talent. So when your recruiter visited me, I was a little surprised in several ways.”

"Several ways?" Violet said as if curiously.

"Well, I don't know if you know, but I'm just an ordinary teacher teaching social studies in high school..."

"Obviously, our business field and schools are very different environments... But this is our proposal for a new business."

"Yes. I heard from the recruiter. And that surprised me again. Sports entertainment...?"

“As far as I know, you are physically trained.”

"Yes, I learned amateur wrestling before, and I did well at it. I once won bronze medal at a state tournament when I was 17... although that was 10 years ago. I quit wrestling after I graduated high school…but I still enjoy exercise. So... I guess you're making something like a…pro wrestling scene?"

"It's very close. Besides, it's our company's corporate social relations for the human rights of very unique ‘rarities’ like yourself. You know what I mean, right?" Violet got up from her seat and walked over to Maya.

"Um... that's right. I... I'm…'futanari’, I don't know how you find it.'" said Maya, blushing somewhat. "Like most futanari, I usually put my female status on the surface though."

"It's a pity. Our society is not…ready…to accept futanaris who make up about 0.1% of the total population. 30 years have passed since the futanari gender was legally recognized, but there remains many invisible prejudices and discrimination against them. It exists. We want to help them."

"I'm glad you said that. I didn't know that Vermillion has so much passion for human rights…to be honest."

"Oh, a lot of people saying that we’re just one of cold blooded, money grabbing syndicates. But they don't know what we're doing behind the scenes in society." Violet said with a smirk.

"You don’t deserve to be judged by other people. Those like yourself are the 'blessed ones', that's what we think." said Violet, placing her hand on her shoulder from behind Maya. Maya felt this strange woman's big breasts gently pressing around her own neck.

"Uh.. thank you for saying like that. So... can you tell me specifically what I'm going to do with your 'sports entertainment business'?"

Maya said with a slightly awkward expression.

"Okay, I'll show you right now. Here..."

The monitor on Violet's desk turned towards them. Maya could see the footage playing on her monitor....



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