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Dear friends,

Thank you so much for your patience!

Please find an update below on where our Patreon will be headed:

i) We've discussed a lot as a team through the hiatus and have come to the conclusion that the project would take way too long per episode and the ruleset is too restricted. It was our first project and we're leanred so much from it. 

ii) We're always looking out for our Patrons first and foremost - and we want our project to be as satisfactory to our audience old and new. 

iii) So we've decided to reboot the project - with new episodes coming in shorter packs of 20-30 pics per episode, with different, more exciting rules and settings each time. We estimate each episode will take 2-3 months, too!

iv)The background (lore, story, rules, etc...) will be totally different - but some of the characters you love will be part of the new project at some point, with some exciting new changes to our lovely ladies.

Thank you so much for your patience and continued support, and we hope to deliver very exciting new content to you soon!



I'm really happy to hear that you're continuing! It sounds like you lots of exciting stuff planned! Though it is a bit sad to hear that some of the stuff that's out so far won't be concluded. I had a few questions though, Will the rebooted series still be focused of sexfighting/sexual combat? That was the main thing that drew me to your group's work and I'd love to see that theme continued, especially since it's so rare to see works about it. How will our monthly pledges work with the new release format? Could we expect to see status updates or preview while we wait for a full comic release? What about custom images and other rewards from the original series? How are those being changed for the reboot? Anyways, I'm excited for what your team comes up with in the future!


Hi Ralph, pardon our late response! Thanks so much - Yes of course! We'll hope to include different styles of combat, but sexual combat is the main overarching theme of it all! Monthly pledges will likely almost be similar, with Nobility tier getting some sweet, sweet extras for your amazing support! We'll specify and clarify these very soon. As for custom images and other rewards, it still will be with us! We've kept close track on pledge support and we reach out personally to patrons when they hit a milestone, so do keep an eye on the inbox from time to time <3