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Rinko's orgasm drains her harder than any orgasm she'd ever faced before in training, leaving her utterly breathless, her body twitching and spasming with tremendous pleasure. It's as if electricity is running through her muscular, gorgeous body as her legs shake with she wobbles, glurking salaciously.

Diandra doesn't wait to lose the opportunity, taking control of the kunoichi even further, abusing her wretched sense of balance and simply shoving her in the tits, causing her to stumble into the small pit where they had faced off before stepping up to the arena podium.

Rinko squeals with a 'AHHN~' as she hits the gravel with a thump, stars and lights flashing across her vision as she wheezes in a daze...

"Oooh, poor dear, did you slip?" Diandra purrs wickedly...



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