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 It is like a dance; well-practiced partners silently moving into their stances, needing no verbal confirmation from the other as they practically pounce with excitement, free from hesitation. The dark elf kisses the kunoichi lustfully, her tongue wet and warm, piercing her opponent like an elven warmaiden’s blade, parting her opponent’s hot lips with ease as the kunoichi moves into the attack.

Rinko does not back down, wrapping her arms around her opponent as the two trap one another in a heated embrace, their maws parted, tongues wresting against one another, glistening, honey-like saliva beginning to pool and drip down their lips and chins…they both know that the other will not be an easy opponent to bring down.

After minutes of a heated, sensual exchange, the battle begins to lean in the dark elf’s favor, despite the kunoichi firmly fighting back the best she can, refusing to back down nor even show a hint of weakness, her stubborn will showing as she starts to slowly grunt and groan – losing her stoic, warrior’s silence… the dark elf’s talent with her tongue and mouth is unreal, a swirling, dark vortex of pleasure that saw Rinko’s tongue forced back and down into her own mouth and dominated.

The little sigh and moan that leaks from the kunoichi’s mouth is a dangerous one…and at this point she cannot tell if the quivering of her naked body is from the cool wind, or because of her sensual, wicked opponent. But Diandra feels it; and she pounces like a tigress from the very mountains Rinko has trained in for years. She goes in for the kill, reaching in between Rinko’s legs and slipping a finger in, beginning to pump her slowly.

The kunoichi however, is not startled. She endures it with grace and skill, before calmly latching on to the dark elf’s wrist firmly, squeezing down hard and making sure Diandra gets the message.

The fight has only just begun. 



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