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 She spreads your legs with surprisingly strong hands, bending down to give your aroused clit a strong, agonizingly arousing lick…before planting a hot, sweet kiss on your slit, suckling loudly as she does. You barely manage a soft, weak ‘no’, but your body is turned to fire by her wicked, unimaginable sexual skill as she works you to new heights of bliss.

“You just want to see your Champion’s naked form, her vicious struggle…” The demoness whispered with a smirk as she plants another soft kiss on your tender folds. “…you want to see her debase herself in such sexual debauchery, you want to see her destroy her opponent…that’s the real reason, isn’t it?”

You moan loudly, unable to respond as your mind goes to places never before…you can’t respond to her words, especially since you know it’s true. 



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