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 You awake with your throat dry, mouth parched, the sensation of light-headedness and a general sensation of bewilderment as cool air touches your naked skin, and a sensuous heat above you...your back is graced with sheets of silk, and your senses are ravaged by a scent that singes your nose with delicate jasmine and hints of sweet cypress.


You are startled by the woman, her visage, her low, spine-tingling tone, embarrassed as she leans down on you, her heavy breasts almost touching your naked belly.

"Who are you?" You ask in bewilderment.

The demoness only chuckles in response, her eyes alight with a sumptuous hunger.

"I am a demoness of Del Haq....*the* demoness, mind you." She winks, licking her luscious, painted lips, making them glisten in the dim light. "I am here for you, and only you...so gather your wits, for I have questions...."



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