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Like the true huntress she is, the elven beauty goes in for the kill - her well-manicured, dainty fingers slipped between Tiana's strong thighs before the paladin can even react.

Her face turns scarlet as she feels the firm, strong stroke of Liabella's index finger against her wet, swollen slit, striking her with arousal and flooding her senses with maddening pleasure as the elf follows up with another stroke, and another, completely causing Tiana to freeze up in both shock and pleasure.

"Nnnhnh, no-!" Tiana barely manages to gasp in a pitched tone as her body is alit with erotic fire, her hands barely able to try to push Lia's shoulders back even as the elf wraps her hand around her opponent's neck, trapping her in her sinister, sexual embrace, her fingers finding Tiana's entrance and beginning to slide in with a wet, hot pop...



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