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The images folder for february has been updated with sketches/commissions. I will be uploading the $20+ commissions there as well from now on to avoid multi-posting so i'm not spamming your inboxes along with other creators (been experiencing that myself x_x). 

Remember if you can't find the link(s), I have enabled the tages to be shown on my main page so you can find the posts easier and check whenever. I will usually upload work before posting about it on patreon because I don't like multi-posting (as stated before).

On that note, I am finishing up the last of the $20+ commissions. These should be finished before the end of the month, so if you're still waiting on yours, bear with me. I'm very appreciative of your patience [everyone] considering I haven't really gotten any messages asking "Where the hell is my commission?!" Just been really busy as usual. I have so much work right now that it feels overwhelming and suffocating. >__<

The poll image will most likely not be completed until early next month. I think i've stated before, but I plan on finishing up the patron commissions first before starting. This way everyone still gets art and no one (hopefully) feels like they're being neglected or forgotten (for lack of a better phrase).

Well then....think that about covers everything. See you all again next week I suppose! ^^; 


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