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The issue with SubscribeStar is becoming apparent and it's barely been a month. I know i've stated i'm stopping with Patreon (i'm still heavily skeptical about using it after hearing about them cracking down on accounts, same for Paypal) but currently i'm still waiting just to see money from SubscribeStar (since the beginning of the month) because unlike patreon I have to wait for it to be tallied up, and made available, as well as wait 14 days for each transfer. So for the past month i've been teetering on the edge of being completely broke.

This whole time i've been wondering if I jumped the gun too soon and possibly screwed myself for nothing, or if I was saving myself from something worse. So now I gotta decide to take the gamble of having my patreon account randomly shut down/banned from paypal from continued use, or risk digging a financial hole waiting for SubStar to finally make my money fully available and waiting for it to actually transfer to my bank.

I've contacted SubStar Monday for some clarity and still awaiting a response. Their phone lines are a lie.


technodude "Archer" 458

ok so from what i know subscribestar has a separate thing for adult content i also know several artists that have moved over to there from patreon or have found other alternative solutions


Eh, fanbox seems to be a nice alternative for users, I don’t know about creators but it’s an easy platform to use for me

technodude "Archer" 458

from what I’ve heard fanbox may be subject to some of the Japanese laws involving obscenity that we don’t have over here meaning certain things could still be at risk but I’m not 100% certain


I use to be on it, might temporarily start it back up since it's lenient on loli/shota content. I do know anything posted directly on it has to be censored but since I host my work outside of these sites i'm not concerned about that. My main issue is it primarily uses paypal for transfers outside of Japan I believe, and I don't know how actively they've been cracking down on nsfw accounts.

Venom Rose

I am sorry if this was suggested before, but have you considered making a discord server? You can link Patreon to discord and create a Patreon content channel. This way you don't need to upload to patron site. and if you are still worried, you can make the server and upload only via mega link. That should give you some leeway. again, I am very sorry if this was already suggested before.


No worries. There's a discord server set up, but currently just for SubStar. However the main issue with patreon is if an artist uploads any loli/shota content to a site like Pixiv or anywhere else, Patreon has the right to check those accounts and pause your page until you delete said content from each of those sites. Even if the character is someone like Tatsumaki from One Punch Man, who is of legal age, but doesn't exactly look it (small frame/chest, and big head) it goes against their standards. Personally I don't mind doing that since it's not often i'm asked for it or do it personally, but I know a lot of people won't be happy. Aside from that sticking to anything that uses Stripe or Paypal is a risk by itself with their terms of service. The way things are looking I may consider keeping this up and possibly Fanbox as well since this whole situation is showing me how unreliable it is to only run on one of these sites.


Is there any issues with Fanbox other than it being an overseas site? Censoring shouldn't matter as you keep all your art files on MEGA. As far as I know, that's the best alternative to Patreon for that type of content currently.


I think their only payout option if you don't have a japanese bank account is Paypal which has a policy that if you're using their site for NSFW business transactions they can ban you and refund payments. There was a post floating around saying something along the lines of they updated their policy so they have the right to look through any related accounts to determine that fact.


I see. I wasn't aware that Paypal enforced that policy.


Yeah there was a recent twitter panic near the end of last month iirc where someone had posted about it. I'm not really sure whether to take it with a grain of salt because I know they were always against it, just never fully enforced it, or if this marks a change in the times. But it certainly has me on edge since it's been the frontrunner for all my transactions concerning patreon and commissions. I'm thinking i'm just gonna take the risk though and keep things running on the side, and just use multiple sites since i'm feeling like I can't rely on SubStar the way I did Patreon. That way if one ship sinks i'm not stranded without a paddle.


Policy wise I believe subscribestar is the clear winner. Once you finally receive a check hopefully then at that point you can receive them consistently. I have no idea how much paypal is going to enforce it's policies, but I wouldn't mind supporting on Fanbox. I'm a not a big loli person, but I like petite girls, tsunderes, and femdom. So characters like Tatsumaki, Shalltear, and Master Nemesis are right up my alley. I suppose it also depends on how you define loli. It's been defined as everything from a body type and proprotions, to mental age, to physical appearance, to canon age.


Personally I prefer Patreon, but from what I see fanbox is A good alternative.


I prefer Patreon since I’m used to it and I like having it as an app. Also the billing change that happened recently is pretty nice as well but I know Subscribestar is pretty good too :)


I mainly use Patreon and Fanbox to support creators so those are my togo choices. I've used SubscribeStar in the past and even though it has its benefits, I'm not fond of how they handle billing. Still, if SS ends up becoming your only option, I'll go with it.