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+Brandy FJ animated sketch

As the title suggest I am making changes to the tiers. I've brought this up in the past, and honestly I feel I should have done this sooner given that things haven't really progressed in the past few years. Not gonna make a wall of text up here at least) and just gonna get right into the nitty gritty, a lot of you may not like it or agree with them. If there any questions or concerns feel free to address them in the comments below. 

These changes will be put in place over the weekend, no one will be automatically charged as I will have to make a new tier for $2, and those who change their tiers will be charged the difference.

Once these changes have taken effect, I will be contacting everyone in $5+ tiers for their picks for the alts and $10 patrons for drawings to color/animate. The current links will remain active and only new patrons will be restricted to this month's folder. Next month the links to the images and mp4 folders will be removed and replaced with the folder links for that month.

Here's a direct look at how things will be changed:

There may possibly be additional tiers in the future depending on how things play out down the line.

For some clarification:

  • $2 tier will still have access to the rendered or animated poll images, despite being made a sketch tier.
  • $2 and $5 tiers only have access to the rewards for THAT month. $10 continue to have full archive access. I use to think it was okay to leave it open always, but many would just leave and come back months later, put in the $1 and repeat. Initially I planned for this to be the case, but naturally it's counterproductive so it needs to change in order for my patreon to grow. I'm hoping I can leave it open for $10  tier at least and still see progress.
  • For the new poll I will have the $10 tier pick out ANY drawing i've done in the past (including commissions) to either complete or have animated. Patrons will vote on which they want to go with and a separate poll for sketches, if chosen, for whether they want to see it rendered out or animated. Naturally if a rendered work wins it will be animated.
  • $5+ will be asked monthly to pick out ANY drawing i've done in the past and have a minor alt added to it, whether it be (excessive) cum/sweat, socks/stockings, an expression, goth makeup, futa etc. Anything that can be overlayed over what's already existing and really simple. I will let you know if it's not something I can do. 

      *$10 patrons will have the option if they would rather in place of an alt have a close up side panel added to an artwork i've done. Think along the lines of a close up of a FJ, x-ray or maybe something is obscured in a picture you want shown it better detail, or like a continuation of the image. So long as it's a simple close up shot.

      **Said alts can be made private, just let me know ahead of time.


Venom Rose

Very sorry if this sounds stupid, But $2 and $5 have access to everything that month, but does only $5 have access to all content, while $2 only has access to the wips for that month? So I need to upgrade to $5 if I want to see everything for that month? not just the wips.


Not stupid at all. I know this is a lot of info to break down, I had to go over it myself multiple times. That's right. I made an edit to the post, but feel I should clarify though just in case that the voted images will still be available whether they are rendered or animated since those in the $2 tier are able to vote on it just in case that isn't clear. But the alts that the higher tiers ask for, or anything I finish personally, will be exclusive to $5+. While on the other hand the sketches/linework/flats of the completed works left at $2.

Venom Rose

Ah, I understand now. So upgrade to $5 to see everything for that month, not just wips. thank you very much for the clarification!


Those are some nice perks, maybe I should consider switching to a higher tier some day :)