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Today was my first day back on set and I am definitely feeling it. My nice little sleep schedule is off so I gotta get back into the swing of things. Other than being sleepy, today was good. 😁 I work tomorrow and Thursday then fly back to Vegas to do makeup for a BIG magazine cover shoot on Friday, then JD and I are going snowboarding with our friends, Scott and Melissa, who own Bombshell. It's gonna be a fun, busy week! I'm hoping to get some shooting done in the snow, so we'll see how that goes. 🙃 How are all of you doing?!




Great! Saw a friend that I haven't seen in almost a yr.


Tired... lol Didn't want to get up today, but have homework to do. Other than that, pretty good. Hope you have an amazing time snowboarding :)


I feel ya. I have been so sleepy the last few days. Hopefully you gotnall your homework finished. 😁