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I know I've been a bit absent this week, so I figured I'd post one of my older favorites. This was shot by Chris Douglass a couple years ago, back in my nudie days. I'll be posting this full set for a higher tier once I have better internet. Chris is the photographer with whom I shot in Maui. Those pictures are AMAZING. From what I saw in the back of the camera, I think they will be some of my all-time favorites. (Hopefully yours too!) This week has been madness. Coming back from Maui, having one day to get unpack, run a ton of errands and repack for the next month of work and travel, and dealing with last minute scheduling changes for the promo yesterday has been exhausting. I'm thankful I work with people I love because without them, I'd be even more exhausted. The last two nights we were in the worst hotel in which I have every stayed. If you want to know details, watch the live chat I did on Fb. I don't wanna rant again, but man...it was brutal. lol. Luckily we all suffered equally in each of our rooms, so we can share that experience. 😜 After this morning being even worse than yesterday there, we decided we couldn't risk leaving our bags there and headed to the airport 4 hours earlier than planned. We just boarded and are on our way to Galveston!!! (Frank, maybe I'll run into you in the next month if you so happen to end up around home!) We are on set for 3 days starting tomorrow morning, so I'll try extra hard to get some photos up for ya. Or do some live chats. It's a bit harder when on set as most of you know from New Orleans. I have to pay full attention to the talent to make sure they're camera ready, so I try to wait until the end of the work day to do interwebz stuffs. I am very excited for this season to start. During the show filming duration, I find myself on a more consistent schedule and catching up on rest. Our filming schedule looks like it will work out perfectly this season to allow me more time to film and shoot, which means lots of content for you all! Fortunately, there are a few good photographers in the area, so I should be able to get some killer shots. So, that's my update on me. Let's hear about YOU! What are you all up to? Lemme know how your new year is going so far. ☺️ Love you all!!! Xoxoxoxox, Annalee




I hate that you guys had a bad experience with the hotel :( That is horrible and you guys are too wonderful to have had to been in such a horrible place :( Other than that, I hope that you have a great time in Galveston :) I look forward to seeing the new season when it is ready... You are amazing and do excellent work in both modeling and makeup. It has been snowing here and is now supposed to be freezing rain... I want warm weather back. lol


Sorry you had an awful hotel experience. Glad that you all have a great time together despite travel issues. It sounds like you have a fun group 😄 I've been getting back to my regular work schedule after the holiday break. It's been unusually cold, barely made it above freezing all week. Today it's been snowing all day, so pretty! I'm glad it's the weekend so I can just stay in & enjoy it.