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/Happy holidays!

I feel torn on which to say because I celebrate Christmas as a time for love, not for religion or gifts, so I don’t find it offensive. but i know some people do and while I don’t like pandering, I do hope everyone is having a nice time this holiday season. ❤️

This is a big year for reflection and quality time with loved ones. For those of you who watched my life chat from the other day, you know I lost my grandma a week ago - she was my mom’s mom. It’s been a challenging week at times, and it’s also been full of so much love within my family. I’ve spent much more time with cousins than I have in the last decade and it’s felt wonderful. I handle death pretty well overall, so while I’m sad, I also know this is part of life and it helps me treasure the time I get with anybody I enjoy.

This is my brother and me with our Grandma Elena. ❤️

She was such a sweet woman and she opened her home to everyone. She loved people who many others would deem unlovable, including some of her own family. She kept a great sense of humor and optimism through the end. She called her walker her Lamborghini 😂 and someone even added a model Lambo to her casket.

As much as we miss her, she had no pain now and is with my grandpa. 🥹

I hope you all treasure your time through the holidays. Enjoy the people you love. Spend time with your fur babies. Enjoy your alone time if you get some. Life is here for living, and we might as well make the most of it.

All my love to you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




Yes! These are amazing!


So sorry for your loss!