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I listed a bunch of new prints last night at spreesy.com/annaleebelle. 

The same discount codes work there as for Big Cartel. If you haven't received your codes, shoot me a message and I'll let you know what they are. 

I posted a couple Halloween prints to get in the spirit  a bit. This one here, has never been released as a print and hasn't even been shared online in years, but it is one of my favorites and is photographed by one of my favorites, Radiant Inc. 

Huge, HUGE thank you to those of you who have already donated to Village of Life We are all so grateful. <3 And an extra thank you to those of you who won't even be able to make it out. 

I have a shoot today until 4/5, then I'll be doing the drawing for this month's winners in the $2/$10 tiers and the $25 tier. Unfortunately, Patreon is really buckling down on their policy of no raffles, which apparently has been in place for a while. I wasn't aware until this week, so I'll have to replace that portion next month with something equally as neat. 

On the subject of Patreon, JD and I will be heading out to San Fran on Friday for Patrecon. This is a small conference of only 40 Patreon creators. We are very excited to be a part of this and hopefully will come back with tons and tons of ideas!

As of right now, I think my plan for Patreon is to make it more sexy. I've really been missing that side of things and while I love beauty/fitness/lifestyle tips, making that the focus isn't bringing in many new people. Sometimes I hate to say it, but sex sells. Obviously I'm not gonna go crazy with it, but definitely will be exploring some ideas to throw in while also keeping up with the live chats and all that jazz to offer makeup/health tips too. 

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day! <3


A sleep-deprived Annalee 





great pictures!!! :) Love the hair in this one :)