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I shot this series a while back with Radiant Inc, but since I had decided to stop doing nudes, they hadn't edited them. Rachael (of Radiant, who does the editing) pulled this one up a couple nights ago and played around with it a bit. I love how it turned out!

Now for the lame news...

As most of us know, touch screens can be very tricky on a phone when it's not locked. Sadly, I have learned this lesson the hard way today. A couple nights ago, I accidentally deleted a bunch of stuff on my phone, but I couldn't tell which picture folder my fingers had slipped over. We were at an event and I didn't have much time to browse through everything. At some point over the weekend, my memory filled up and I wasn't able to post to my Instagram story while at Fright Dome, so I cleared my recently deleted folder. Little did I know that what I had accidentally deleted prior to that was ALL OF MY VIDEOS. This includes all daily vlogs since getting back from NYC as well as a YouTube video I had filmed about all the swag from Gen Beauty. I had literally spent hours filming that video and stressed about getting it filmed before leaving to Austin. I am really bad about backing up my phone and all that jazz, so of course my last backup was 3 weeks ago. Ugh. It bums me out so hard because I had a lot of great content for you all, including introducing you to my besties from Amarillo and my mom and dad. But alas, it's all gone. :( I'm trying to worry too much as I am already stressed about how behind I am on emails and such, but it is a sad thing. However, I have learned my lesson! The phone will be backed up from now on and all videos are going to be filmed on my old iPhone rather than the one I actually use. 

Today is also going to be my Patreon day, so I'll be getting to all your messages! :D




Some was in emails I had sent out but for the most part I had to start from scratch. It's demotivating but then again if you really believe what you're doing, you can't help but keep trying so it's a set back and a sucky one but oh well- i still like my ideas lol


OMFG I've done the same damnnnn thing before, Now I always have a external hard drive I even save to. I feel ur pain...😕