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Don't forget, we'll be chatting at 10 a.m. on Periscope. This is for the $25+ tiers only. If you can't make it, it will be available on reply for 24 hours. :) I hope to talk to you then! 

And just for fun, here's another Flashback Friday pic. ;)




Hey there!! Bummed that I missed the scope today. I totally got my hair appointment time wrong and Asa I was getting ready, she sent me a text. "Did you know your time was 20 minutes ago?" So out the door I flew. :). Just watched the replay and a few thoughts on your thoughts on changing up the rewards. 1. Absolutely agree... Random periscopes would be better than scheduled times. Summer is coming and your schedule is probably going to get crazier. No need to stress yourself out trying to make that work. 2. Content on scopes... I loved when you were getting ready to go out and just casually talking about the products you were using or the method used to get the right volume or curl for an evening out. That felt natural and not forced. 3. I actually enjoyed, although not the reason why, you venting/sharing your feelings on a subject matter that was affecting you at that moment. Those spontaneous glimpses into what matters to you. Going forward, do more of that when possible. If folks can join, great. If not the replay will give us the chance to view and post comments, share experiences etc. It will hopefully keep the dialogue going. 4. Prints - what ever you think is cool, I will enjoy. I love your black & white photos too! 5. Suggestions for hair/make up/ products/work out tips/ food prep - all good. I think what ever inspires you and you feel like sharing would be great. When you go on hikes, take us with you for a bit. It might inspire someone to do the same :). I think that is enough for now. I hope you feel better and your allergies give you a break soon. Enjoy your day, get a work out in. Even a walk at an incline to get the blood flowing. Hydrate, hydrate and then hydrate again. Go out tonight and enjoy just being a girl with her guy. Take care and talk to you soon! P.S. Declan says Hi.


Oh no! I hate when that happens. Starting the day rushed can be so tough. I hope your hair came out just right. ;) Your feedback is great! I've been on Periscope less and been using Fb live more for chats since my following is higher there, so I think I will go ahead and let the 'scopes be our little thing for the most part. Then maybe JD and I can step up our game on our Pinky and Proppy account. I just got a TON of new edits, so I have some options for prints. I like the black and whites also. I really love the idea of chatting while hiking and just being out at about. I just finished up my workout and am loading up on water and vitamins. Give Declan some pets for me. :)


Hi, saw the scope notification but were at the hospital at the type visiting a friend so couldn't join. Watched the replay and though and I agree with Michelle, we don't want to put more stress on you by doing scheduled chats, I catch most of the random ones and it's great to share whatever you are passionate about when it happens. As for content on scopes, your tips on how to apply makeup has been a great help to me and I love those. The food prep ones are also great as I do believe that eating healthier is the best way to have longterm weight loss. Not a fan of crash diets, but it is difficult sometimes to know what is healthy as not everything that seems to be healthy actually are. Exercise tips are also great, I sometimes feel lost when walking into the gym and trying to choose what to do and a personal trainer costs four times my monthly gym fee for two sessions so it's great to get tips😀 Maybe look at a tier were you don't have to ship, as an international follower I don't want you spending such a big portion of my contribution on shipping, would rather you get the most benefit possible from it. Or have a international tier that has a mystery box, but with a higher contribution to enable shipping will also be nice. Hope the allergies gives you a bit of a break now, you really have been suffering badly from them this year.